Futures of Scotland: Post-COVID Recovery

The Challenge

Scotland stands at the crossroads of steadily emerging from the largest pandemic in living history and entering an unknown future of unexplored possibilities. There are state-wide efforts both tackling recovery efforts and laying the groundwork for future developments. The present conditions are providing an opportunity for fundamental changes. One quality of narrative that could benefit Scotland, top to bottom, is that which focuses on taking hold of our shared futures. Specifically, through narratives that envision a plurality of preferred, positive, inclusive, and equitable futures.

The Project (c. 2035)

The project combines collaborative, scenario planning and data science with creative arts to develop an event that engages broad audiences across Scotland, highlighting the roles we all play in creating our shared futures. The first stage of the project centres on Scotland, 2035, one generation into the future. The guiding questions for the Futures of Scotland project are,

The People

We recruited people from across Scotland to participate in scenario planning workshops where they developed their visions of the kinds of Scotland we could all enjoy by 2035. Our recruitment efforts emphasised our EDI commitment to provide space for participants from historically underrepresented groups, to ensure their voices were part of the conversation and resulting narratives. Artists from around the country teamed up with each scenario workshop to create powerful prototypes in the form of art installations that convey the core realities of each future scenario. We then teamed up with Glasgow-based businesses to feature each installation across the city, as a free, public gallery.

Scotland 2035

The sections below take you to each scenario developed by our citizen workshops, where you can have an immersive experience with the narratives and art. You may notice that some of the scenarios are represented multiple times by different artists. This plurality of interpretation beautifully illustrates how our futures can take on a whole new life when the people involved in imagining, building, and owning the future change places.

Partnered Businesses