The FAR Hub endeavors to follow and comply with the UK Government and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Further information can be found in our Accessibility Statement.

STEM Enabled is another accessibility resource we use as guidance to develop our physical teaching and lab spaces.

Scenario planning is a multi-stage, group-based approach that “always aims for the invention of strategy and testing of related organisational characteristics against multiple representations of the future business environment.” (Van der Heijden, 1997, p. 131) You can find out more on the process at this link.

Futures-thinking is the effort given to focusing on, reasoning, and exploring the future, whether several plausible futures or a single what-if future. This is within the realms of scenario thinking, strategic thinking, risk assessment, even fiction. Practitioners who work in futures-thinking, work with perceptions, as opposed to aiming for probabilities (i.e. forecasting).

Data science combines multiple fields, including statistics, scientific methods, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analysis, to extract value from data. Data science includes cleaning, aggregating, and manipulating data to perform advanced data analysis. Statistic applications and data scientists can then review the results to uncover trends and patterns in behaviours. One of the main aims is to enable business leaders to draw informed insights that lead to articulated action.
(Cairns & Wright, 2017)

Head over to our Get In Touch page to email the PI and co-PI of the FAR hub.

The FAR Hub was established March 2021 through funding granted by Edinburgh Napier University and Edinburgh and South East Region City Deal.

Good question! Many offer simple, straightforward answers to this highly complex problem; However, the majority of those in the field agree that there are no simple answers and safeguarding is as dependent on time, place, and stakeholders as life itself. With that said, as a Hub for knowledge, we provide a continuously updated repository of tools used to help businesses plan for and navigate the unfolding future.

No. Well, at least not with the tools and knowledge we collectively hold at this time. But if you figure it out, let us know!

This space is dedicated to providing credit to photos and videos not already credited within the site.

Covery photo: Megan Crawford

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